
Eagan is a City of Trees!

Ranking near the highest in the country in square footage of park space per capita, Eagan is a city of trees.

Caring for trees in Eagan has always beena priority since the beginning.

With so many trees across the city, it’s safe to say  the Eagan’s forestry department has invested a lot into preserving the city’s trees.

Most residents in Eagan realize the importance of maintaining their trees and landscape.

At ArborGoldInc, we offer a vast, all-encompassing range of tree evaluation and care services that include:

  • Removals
  • Trimming, pruning, and hedging
  • Crane Work
  • Cable and bracing
  • Stump grinding
  • Tree Health Care, and more!

Our entire team is well-versed in using the right, advanced, and most efficient tools for implementing tree maintenance practices. So if you have a  property in need of expert arborists, get in touch with us now!

Emerald Ash Bore

Eagan’s ash trees are suffering from EAB. It’s an epedemic. It’s spreading like mad.

Although the city’s been working to mitigate its spread, it’s infestation is wide spread.

The city does offer some ash bore relief for removals and treatment. We work with Eagan residents to get you this money. We’ll walk you through it.

If you have an ash tree, get us over there to look at it. Ash treatments are pretty effective, if caught early.

We’re experts at disease in other trees as well. Some of the signs that indicate an immediate tree checkup include:

  • Black discoloration (rot)
  • Splitting limbs
  • Cracks in the tree trunk
  • Insects
  • Woodpeckers
  • Leaf discoloration/reduced or missing canopy
  • Broken and dry branches

If you notice any irregular problem in your trees, do not hesitate to call us at 612-601-2197 now to schedule a service right away!

Eagan does require all tree services to be licensed. See if your company is on the list:


Our Services

Certified Arborist Tree Services

Arborgold Tree Service

What Our Happy Clients Have to Say About Us

ArborGold Inc enjoys a stronghold reputation due to its excellent service quality and credibility. We hire qualified arborists who love to work outdoors and have commanding tree knowledge. That’s why our customers are always left feeling satisfied and with peace of mind.