Tree Brush & Hedge Trimming

Certified Arborist and Climbers Offering High-End Tree &Hedge Trimming Services in the Twin Cities.

Tree trimming is one best things you can do to your tree to keep it healthy, plus it looks great. Keep your yard looking like masterpiece.

Hedges are incredibly effective for creating privacy and great place for social events or anarea where your kids can have play dates and picnics. However, they eventually grow out and can tarnish the beauty of your landscape. This is where ArborGoldInc’s professional hedge trimming services come into play.

We’re a certified tree evaluation and care company, offering several types of tree maintenance services at affordable prices across the Metro area.. Our main goal is to help our esteemed clients strengthen their trees’ roots, improve their health, and beautify landscapes.

Why Should You Hire Our Tree Service for Tree Trimming?


One thing we value at ArborGoldInc is climbers. While machines like lifts have their place and we do use them at times, we’re much more biased to our experienced climbers.

Climbers are the most damage-free way to trim your trees. Not having the weight of a machine on your lawn is a plus. Plus, they’re experts at rope use. Paying to get the work done is one thing, but it’s also fun to watch the professionals work.

When trimming a climber gets up-close-and-personal with your tree, making it ideal for disease and structure assessment, plus they can get where a lot of machines can’t.

Why Trim?

Improve Overall Tree Health

Our Certified Arborists and climbers have complete know-how about different tree species and their unique care needs. They can prune without compromising a tree’s structural and aesthetic appeal.

Sucker Trimming

Trimming sucker/watersprout growth is a benefit sometimes overlooked. Removing them every 2-5 years keeps the energy in the center of the tree. This means as many nutrients get to the top of the tree as possible.


When we deadwood a tree, we climb as high as possible and get between 80 & 90% of the dead branches out. This takes stress out of the tree, keeps pests away, and prevents any injuries for anything or anyone below.


For various resons, trees sometimes grow out of balance. This is added stress on the tree and makes for a high probablility of cracking and falling. Keeping them square is always best.


Canopy Lifting

Most trees eventually become overgrown. Certain branches usually droop to find any sun they can. We usually trim any branch angle even with the horizon or below. Plus, these downhangers don’t look good.


Healthy trees grow as thick as they can. We recommend a good trim every 2-5 years to keep them thinned-out. It’s best for strong wind s to blow through your trees, instead of taking them with.


This type of trim is for trees with forks. Wide trunks get heavy and dangerous. Taking a significant amount of mass off them reduces the wear on these joints. This trim is aggressive, but it does wonders to prolong the life of your tree.

Increases Your Home Value

Believe it or not, a neatly trimmed landscape can significantly improve your home’s value. According to SFGate, a properly-cared-for landscape can add as much as 5–7% value to your home’s original resale price. So if you’re in the Metro area, trying to sell your property faster, get our arborists on board now!


Trees with overgrown branches can be dangerous. During heavy rain, wind, or ice, they can cause damage to your house and vehicles. Moreover, if not trimmed on time, theycan grow out to obstruct sidewalks and streets.

ArborGoldInc is here to help you fulfill all your tree care and maintenance needs. We’re an certified arboriculture company focused on providing the best tree evaluation and care services at competitive prices.

Contact us at 612-601-2197 to request a quote or to learn more about our services shown below.

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What Our Happy Clients Have to Say About Us

ArborGold Inc enjoys a stronghold reputation due to its excellent service quality and credibility. We hire qualified arborists who love to work outdoors and have commanding tree knowledge. That’s why our customers are always left feeling satisfied and with peace of mind.